Products in O'BRIEN


Process Accuracy through Heat Transfer Expertise

O'Brien USA is committed to growth through new product development, product acquisitions, and superior marketing. O’brien’s goal is to provide value driven products that sustain O'Brien's growth while enabling our customers to compete globally.

For over 50 years experience, O'Brien has been supplying the petrochemical, refining, pulp & paper, and power industries with quality products based on the application of our heat transfer expertise.

Products available in O'BRIEN

Tubing Bundle

Heated Sample Lines

Electric Traced tubing

Steam Traced Tubing

Insulated Tubing

Enclosure Heaters

Jacketed Tubing


Instrument Enclosures

Sun Shades

Instrument Supports

Address :

Barwa Commercial Avenue,
Sayer 15, Industrial Area, Doha, Qatar

Phone Numbers :

+974 4035 0350
+974 4460 0044

Opening Hours :

8am - 6pm
Sunday - Thursday